I first became aware
Of this thing
I have come
To call
The Marathon Problem
In 2009
At the US Air Force Europe
Chess Championship
I was being beat
By the eventual champion
We were both members
Of the US Chess Federation
And I told him
My rating
(Just under 1400,
If that means anything
To you
Then you know
I’m not particularly good
If it means nothing
To you
Then I am probably better
At chess than you
He told me
From his position of expertise
That my rating
Meant that I was better
At chess
Than 95% of
The people
In the world
I said
But those are
The 95%
Who don’t show up
To chess tournaments
I ran my first marathon
In 2010
And didn’t notice
At the time
What I didn’t notice
At the time
Even though
I did much better
From a time perspective
Than my second marathon
In 2011
The occupy movement
In New York
Began using the phrase
We are the 99%
To address issues
Of wealth inequality
In America
At the time
I was in
Becoming even more aware
Of wealth inequality
On the global level
I still did not
Understand the marathon problem
I didn’t have a name
Or a framework
Or a way to think of it
So I missed it
In 2012
I ran
Not ran
Mostly walked
My second marathon
I have only
Completed the two
And will likely
Never do another
I am no expert
On marathons
But still
Not running
In a second marathon
I noticed something
I had missed
The first time
I saw
What I saw
Which is
For hours
I saw
The backs
Of people
Than me
That is
The essence
Of what I call
The marathon problem
In a marathon
You have to keep moving forward
You have to keep working
Towards the finish
But you don’t spend hours
Staring at the finish
You don’t spend hours
Staring at the crowds
Or the scenery
Where ever your marathon
Happens to be
You spend hours
Staring at the backs
Of people
Faster than you
Almost half a million
Run a marathon
Each year
There are over
Three hundred
If you completed
A marathon
In the past six years
You could make the case
That you
Are in the top
One percent
Of American
Distance runners
That is probably
Not what it felt like
To be running
In your marathon
It seems
When you are running
A marathon
That everyone
Is faster
Than you
And you are running
So hard
So hard
To keep pace
To keep up
With the backs
Of the people
Faster than you
This is
What I call
The marathon problem
I assume
Perhaps without merit
That it translates
To the one percent
Of wealth aggregators
In America
That if you
Are one
Of the three
In America
What you see
Is the backs
Of people
Than you
You probably
Have enough
To get into
The good club
In your area
And you see
That what you thought
Was wealth
Was really the slow
Four hour marathon pace
Of wealth
And there
Are people
So much faster
So much farther ahead
That all you can do
Is run
And run
And try to keep up
And stare at
Their backs
The entire time
In your haste
And feeling
Of being beaten
By these people
So close
And yet
Faster than you
Of this
The Marathon Problem